Albunack provides artist discographies by bringing together two of the largest music information databases MusicBrainz and Discogs. This information is stored on a dedicated server giving fast and reliable service, Albunack is used to power the SongKong and Jaikoz music tagger applications.

Юрий Морфесси Discography

This discography page was generated on 21-Apr-2024

This Albunack discography lists all releases groups by Юрий Морфесси (e67f4790-1390-4881-984a-5e8499f7f94b) where they are credited as the only release artist and releases by the equivalent Discogs artist (1351116). This Discogs artist link has not yet been verified by the MusicBrainz community so check it is correct and if so you can create an official link here, if it is not correct please search Discogs for the correct artist if it exists and then create a link in MusicBrainz to that artist. Releases that they appear on as only a track artist are not shown. The top level release-group can be opened to show each release version, and each of these can be opened to show the track listing (including the Bpm of the tracks if in the database).

We found 0 MusicBrainz releases and 41 Discogs releases

Albunack also suggests Discogs releases that seem to be equivalent to a MusicBrainz release, and you can link these using the link button. Sometimes Albunack is unable to find a good match to a Discogs release but you may be able to see a good match so it allows you to provide a link to any Discogs release via the custom_link button. You can also import Discogs releases into MusicBrainz using the import button, these are both available from the Action column for the release In all cases Albunack prepopulates the MusicBrainz Release Editor with the new information but you still need to check and submit the information. Please ensure you are already logged into the MusicBrainz website before attempting to link or import a release or it will not work.

Only show Official releases:No Yes

Only show MusicBrainz releases with matches to Potential Discogs releases:No Yes

Album Compilation

1990 Старинные Романсы, Песни Discogs release


1914 Почему Я Безумно Люблю / Отцвели Хризантемы Discogs release
1948 Я Помню Вальса Звукъ Прелесный / Къ Чему Скрывать Discogs release
Les Grelots / Seulement Une Fois Dans Ma Vie Discogs release
Гдѣ Ты, Отзовись / Мы Сегодня Разстались Съ Тобой Discogs release
Ну, Быстрѣй Летите, Кони / Почему Я Тебя Такъ Безумно Люблю Discogs release
Миражъ / Скрой Свои Глазки Discogs release
Пѣсня Ямщика / Во Саду-ли Въ Огородѣ Discogs release
Ночные Цвѣты (Бѣлые Блѣдные) Discogs release
Не Весь Я Твой / Зачѣмъ Было Влюбляться Discogs release
Тѣ Дни Прошли / Я Помню Вечеръ Discogs release
I Don't Know How It Would Be Possible / My Mother Loved Me Discogs release
Колокольчики, Бубенчики / Разстаться Суждено Discogs release
Вахта Кочегара / Шумѣнъ, Горѣлъ Пожаръ Московскiй Discogs release
Дни За Днями... / Спокойно И Просто... Discogs release
Тебя Любить, Обнять И Плакать Надъ Тобою / Я Васъ Люблю, Боготворю Discogs release
Le Marchand De Croissants / Tu Te Déranges Pour Rien, O Mon Petit Discogs release
Panama / Non, Je Ne Veux Pas Discogs release
Вездѣ И Всегда За Тобой / Мы Вышли Въ Садъ Discogs release
Время Изменится / Уснуть-Умереть Discogs release
Льется Песня / Спойте Цыгане Discogs release
Вы Просите Пѣсенъ / Дивно Прекрасные, Ласково Властные Discogs release
Корочка / Сарафанчикъ Discogs release
Только Раз Бывают... / Бубенцы... Discogs release
Otzovis / Mi Segodnya Razstalis S Toboy Discogs release

Other Compilation

1996 Черные глаза Discogs release
2000 Баян Русской Песни Discogs release
2000 Русский Романс. Золотая Серия Discogs release
2005 Юрий Морфесси Часть 1 Discogs release
2008 Баян городского романса Discogs release
Золотые Россыпи Романса Discogs release